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5 PM Skills for the 4th Industrial Revolution by pi-top Sr. PM
pi-top [4] - Inspiring a generation of makers
"Soft skills" become the hard skills during the 4th Industrial Revolution
Skills needed for the 4th Industrial Revolution - Patrick Makhubalo
Korath Mathew | Project Management in 4th Industrial Revolution
The 4th Industrial Revolution Keynote by Mr. Ian Fletcher (Director, IBM)
Topic 1: Future of Skills in the Era of 4th Industrial Revolution
How To Build Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) Competence Centres
Agile and the 4th Industrial Revolution, Wikispeed Case Study
PRIS'19-Prof.Mohammad Jarrah:"4th Industrial Revolution Challenges & Opportunities-Higher Education
APPG AI Evidence Meeting Five - Skills - 8th July 2019
Ian Russell: Staying Relevant In The 4th Industrial Revolution